
  Supply: 2,558 MW

Total Supply is the sum of four supply categories: Live, Under Construction, Committed, and Early Stage.

  Facilities: 85


Thailand is the second largest economy in Southeast Asia. Since 2016, the government has pledged itself to the economic and technological advancement of the economy with the formulation of key national policies such as Thailand 4.0, and the establishment of a high-tech zone - Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). These coordinated initiatives have been largely successful in attracting international digital players such as NTT Global Data Centres and GDS Holdings. Presently, the majority of data centre projects are concentrated in the Greater Bangkok along the Samut Prakan corridor and EEC.

Bangkok is predominantly colocation and has a proportion of 10% self-build. Colocation operators include domestic operators such as TrueIDC, CSL, and National Telecom as well as international operators such as STT GDC, KDDI and OneAs1a. Among the three major cloud service providers, only Amazon Web has self-build deployments. Chinese cloud providers such as Huawei have deployed at colocation facilities.


Total IT Capacity


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Facilities in Bangkok