
  Supply: 621 MW

Total Supply is the sum of four supply categories: Live, Under Construction, Committed, and Early Stage.

  Facilities: 44


Manila is the capital city and presently the largest submarket in the Philippines. With a population of approximately 113.9 million, the nation has 0.45MW of Live IT per million capita.

The market first developed around the NCR and was mainly operated by local telcos such as ePLDT, Globe Telecom, and Eastern Communications, and Managed Service Providers such as Phcolo and DataOne Asia. International operators such as Digital Edge, STT GDC Philippines, and Digital Halo only started establishing their footprint in Manila from 2021 onwards. The market is primarily colocation-driven, with Western cloud service providers yet to pursue self-builds, relying instead on colocation sites for capacity deployment.


Total IT Capacity


Market Composition

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Facilities in Manila