
  Supply: 1,740 MW

Total Supply is the sum of four supply categories: Live, Under Construction, Committed, and Early Stage.

  Facilities: 109


The Paris market sits as a strong leader within the FLAP-D cluster in relation to its future pipeline by comparison to other developed cities. The French capital's expansive land availability surrounding the city, alongside a stronger energy base - supported by France's strong nuclear focus - have meant that the city is not facing the same limitations as other major markets.

The city has a several neighbourhoods which focus on different types of hosting. For example, the eastern corridor from Noisy-Le-Grand onwards focuses on financial data. Meanwhile, we have seen continued activity in the broader southern metropolitan area (areas such as Evry, les Ulis, and Marcoussis) regarding hyperscaler colocation sites.

Activity now is moving towards the north of the city as the southern area begins to saturate with new land purchases and developments continuing to increase there. Paris benefits particularly from the desire of operators and clients alike to remain close to the capital, largely due to France's centralised economy. This means we are yet to see a manifestation of substantial and continued interest beyond Paris yet, meaning the city's pipeline seems set to continue in its growth.


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Facilities in Paris